Nepal News Mulling over the global pandemic Covid-19 situation, the government of Nepal (GoN), as per the decision of 25th November 2020 & 25th December 2020 has provisioned the following conditions for the foreigner’s arrival in Nepal. Updated on January 18, 2021January 18, 2021Aankhijhyal Technologies
The Government of Nepal arrangements has been made regarding the passengers entering Nepal by air or Land route.
Haritalika TEEJ is festivals that celebrated by women all over Nepal, with singing, dancing and prayer rituals.
Nepal is an ideal destination for adventure tourism because of its variegated, often formidable geography, inherently replete with rich, refreshing nature. Once in Nepal, one can enjoy a number of outdoor activities.
The Nepali New year starts on Baishakh. Baishakh is the first month of Bikram Sambat calendar. The day usually falls on the second week of April.